PEN Series Refractometer PEN-Ethanol (V) (units mL/100mL)_1271781
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PEN Series Refractometer PEN-Ethanol (V) (units mL/100mL)


The price is inclusive of GST

Digital Hand-Held "Pen" Refractometer

New Continuous Measurement feature to expand your current measuring methods.



  Ergonomically designed for one-handed operation.   Protection class of the PEN is IP65 (Prism head IP67). You can rinse off the sample by running water on the prism. The design allows the user to easily wipe off the sample.
  The Automatic Temperature Compensation function of the PEN enable you to take measurement readings regardless of the ambient temperature.   Revolutionary new feature ELI*
*External Light Interference (ELI) - Patent Pending.
  Convenient Storage case.   High temperature sample can be measured.
*Do not dip the instrument directly into a boiling pot to measure; instead, place the liquid in a separate container and measure.


The PEN-Ethanol(V) is suitable for measuring ethyl alcohol concentrations.
The displayed unit is in mL/100mL.

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