HSI training system refrigeration and air conditioning technology, base unit_1919571
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HSI training system refrigeration and air conditioning technology, base unit

The base unit ET 915 is, dependent on the objective of the experiment, extended into complete refrigeration circuit with one of the models available as accessories (ET 915.01 refrigerator, ET 915.02 refrigeration system with refrigeration and freezing stage, ET 915.06 simple air conditioning system, ET 915.07 air conditioning).

The main components of ET 915 are compressor, condenser and receiver plus electrical and communications systems. The models are plugged onto the base unit and connected hydraulically with refrigerant hoses and electrically with cables. Self-sealing couplings reduce the refrigerant loss to a minimum. All components are arranged well visible to allow their operation to be monitored.

The modern and powerful software is an integral part of the training system in the form of hardware/software integration (HSI). It enables the comfortable execution and analysis of the experiments. The experimental unit is connected to the PC via a USB interface.

The GUNT software consists of a software for system operation and for data acquisition and an educational software. With explanatory texts and illustrations the educational software significantly aids the understanding of the theoretical principles. Each model has its own GUNT software matching the learning objectives. With the aid of an authoring system, the teacher can create further exercises.

Temperatures and pressures in the system are recorded by sensors and displayed dynamically in the software for system operation and data acquisition. The GUNT software provides exact data on the condition of the refrigerant, which is used to calculate the refrigerant mass flow rate accurately. The calculation therefore gives a much more accurate result than measurement using conventional methods. The effect of parameter changes can be tracked in log p-h and h-x diagrams. The system is also operated via the software.

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