Pt-100 surface sensor_1531069
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Pt-100 surface sensor


The price is inclusive of GST
Sensors for digital thermometer testo 720
Pt100 immersion / penetration probe:

Measuring range:
Accuracy: Robust, waterproof
114 x 4 mm L x dia.
-50 to +400 °C
Class A
Pt100 Surface probe: Robust, waterproof, with widened measuring tip, 9 mm dia., for flat surfaces
114 x 5 mm L x dia.
Measuring range:
Accuracy; -50 to +400 °C
Class B
Pt100 Air probe: robust, economical
114 x 5 mm L x dia.
Measuring range:
Accuracy: -50 to +400 °C
Class A
Other probes are available on request.

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